Sunny, Sunny JpK and The March To Mac 650, Middletown

Its is the First Day Of Spring (expect snow…..) and we find our selves 2 weeks away from the first public performance of the Jason P Krug and Julie Kay performance at Wandering Uterus Opening Night Gala (lalalala) at Mac650 Gallery, 650 Main Street in good ole’ Middletown, CT.


Though this news is playing quiet on the National News cycle, it is the Hindenburg of my Heart. Or something less terrifying.


Hmmm…Im a rather dark MoFo. I’ll circle back to that.


Having spent Sunday locked away in an underground bunker with Cello J, I think it’s safe to say we’re bigger than the Beatles. Oh, and Jesus.


Cocky as that sounds, its absolutely true. I have incontestable proof in my pocket. Reach in and grab it.


What were doing…is unique…and yet a sound I have heard in the hinterlands of my consciousness. Deep, sensual, setting its own pace to one tapping (or stomping). Lyric driven, plain spoken.


Im proud of what were doing. And if you live in the continental United Sates, you have little reason not to get to Middletown CT April 3rd.


But this brings me back to my original point: Re-branding. (Note: skeptics will believe I had no point at all and just stumbled upon it in my meandering prose. To that I reply a succinct ‘w.e.’)


Coming from The Grimm Generation experience (which I’m not prepared to discuss yet without aid of doctors and anatomically correct puppets…) how does one go from a charming rogue standing next to a redhead to being the redhead?


Well, you start a blog for one….



You come correct, with honesty. You dance like nobody is watching…you fine tune your craft to fit what you are now, what you’ve learned to get here and what you don’t need anymore. You re imagine the franchise, you get all alternate Universe on that bastard and you come with a story to tell.




In this self exploration, Its been mentioned that I rarely expound about my more actually human characteristics. Or the less detestable ones.


(such as egotistical, self involved, and lack empathy)


I considered this.


So some fact about your author he would never reveal if not for the purposes of warming the cockles of yer heart.


1) I like dogs. As an appetizer.
2) I regularly help the elderly. For money. It’s called ‘my job’.
3) I believe in Love. Truly. I believe it is the highest calling.
4) I also believe in divorce.
5) I am exceedingly polite.
6) I am cutely self conscious. Unless I’m right about something, then I am terror defined.
7) I like you. Do you like me?

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