Love Is …..Furniture.

Love Is…a many splendored thing.
Love is a cat with sharp claws.
Love is patient and kind.
Love has the same feeling, the same chemical make up as insanity.
Love is worldwide and deeply intimate.
Love is a movement, an excuse, a reason, THE reason.
Love is Hell.
Love is worth the climb.
Love lies.
Love flies under it’s own power.
Love is a word used too much by some and not enough by others ‘I LOVE this yogurt. I care about you as a human’).

And when you boils it down, all the lovely stems and seeds and soil, when you drag it into the practical light of day, Love Is Furniture.

Cause despite what you feel, what you know of you, when your lovers furniture has been removed from your life, your not in Love anymore.

I applied the title of the ‘height of masculine reasoning’ to this, believing its a dude who just pulls up stakes and sends a text from his secret girlfriends house saying ‘keys under the mat’. Is that true? Still not sure.

Follow the Soundcloud link above for a little ditty that boils down all these heady concepts into a 3 minute uke ditty, with the ever needed assist of conspirator Carmen Champagne.

Listen and learn. And if you note your partners stuff is slowly leaving your mutual Love nest, its just a nest now.


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