Found Footage: JpK’s ‘Nylon’

You know how this goes so let’s get to it …. Opening crawl ….

On November 13th, Felix Unger was asked to remove himself from his place of residence. That request came from his wife…..

Wait ….. no…. that’s not it. Sounds familiar though, huh?

Jason P Krug set out to write the perfect song to soothe his monster movie brain and locked himself away with copy paper covered in words, a cheap nylon string guitar and a recorder. He was never seen again. Years later, during the excavation of his residence a record was found. This is that record…..’

The fact is … this is practically a true story.

In a time (and I can not get accurate with dates as I used those parts of my brain to store the smoke) where I was struggling with and without bands, I needed something to do …

OK, now here’s the real, REAL truth: I think this record disappeared because I recorded it on someone equipment who did not want me using their shit. Sorry, Fucker.

So I sat down and got down to some pickin’ and a’ croonin’. All of these stories are true. I could put the names on them … if I could only remember the names.

Anyway …. A new band came along and I was off to the races. This record was left behind and stored on a drive. And I went on to do The Citizen Spy, The Grimm Generation and Cursive is Code and record my solo ‘The Zen Of Losing’ record.

Years later (so…now) I was gifted the drive that contained a lot of my earlier material, songs that I had also forgotten. I have a habit.. and it’s a bad habit… of writing a whole new set of material for every band I ever get involved with, so a lot of good songs got pushed back for the new songs.

Which explains what happens next (foreshadowing) …

So when I came across this lost record, called then and still ‘Nylon’, I really liked it. It was almost shocking how it affected me after all this time.

It’s a f****d up record, really.

It is imperfect. It is spare and bare. There are mistakes on it. I am cool with all of that. The Only Music I Listen To Is The Mountain Goats.

And there is a type of kismet in finding this. As mentioned above, I have a bunch of material that people have liked but I abandoned for new sounds. And now Julie and I are working to bring those back.

So …join us as we plumb the depths of the JpK. In the meantime….. I hope you like this.

Jason P Krug ‘Nylon’ on BandCamp:

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